
How Engineers Will Save the World | Anthony Fasano

Watch Anthony Fasano’s TEDx talk on How Engineers Will Save the World:

Anthony is the author of the IEEE-Wiley series book, Engineer Your Own Success: 7 Key Elements to Creating an Extraordinary Engineering Career, and strategies for improving communication skills in various formal and informal workplace scenarios. Anthony …

Using Metacommunication to Create Better Teams: Pam Brewer

Communication is pivotal to effective team performance; however, establishing good communication practices can be challenging, especially with teams that interact virtually and span across cultures with different expectations for communication. That’s where, Pam Brewer argues, metacommunication comes in. Metacommunication is communication about communication, and it helps teams of all …

4Q15 Issue of IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication

Another issue of the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication is now ready. This one features articles on various genres of interest to professional and technical communicators—instructional design, operating instructions, LinkedIn profiles, and software agreements:

Research Article: EfficientlyConnecting Textual and Visual Information in Operating Instructions; by Thora …

IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Special Issue: Content Management

The IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication has published a special issue on Component Content Management edited by Rebekka Andersen (University of California at Davis), and Tatiana Batova (Arizona State University).
This is the first major peer-reviewed publication on content management in our field since 2008 and …

Case Study Writer: Engineering Management, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

The Case Study Initiative is transforming undergraduate engineering education. The Case Study Writer will help introduce entrepreneurial engineering concepts to students by capturing interesting stories about real engineering situations. The stories that the Case Study Writer creates must be engaging while capturing important technical points …

Extension for ProComm 2016 Proposals

The deadline for submitting proposals to ProComm 2016, the annual conference of the IEEE Professional Communication Society, has been extended to: Monday, February 8, 2016.
You may submit your proposal of 350-700 words here:
The conference theme is Communicating Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and it will take place in Austin, Texas, …