Published on February 19, 2016

Another issue of the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication is now ready. This one features articles on various genres of interest to professional and technical communicators—instructional design, operating instructions, LinkedIn profiles, and software agreements:

  1. Research Article: EfficientlyConnecting Textual and Visual Information in Operating Instructions; by Thora Tenbrink and Annika Maas.
    Reports a study that explores the ways that a real company integrates text and visuals in operating instructions for users. 
  1. Research Article: Instructional Design for Stem-Based Collaborative, Co-located Classroom Composition; by Brad Mehlenbacher, Meagan Kittle Autry, and Ashley Rose Kelly.
    Studies the use of online collaborative tools in group projects in an undergraduate writing course. 

  1. Research Article: Learning from the Experts: An Analysis of Résumé Writers’ Self-presentation on LinkedIn; by Ban Phung and Stephen Bremner.
    Analyzes the Summary sections of several LinkedIn profiles to see how job seekers present themselves.
  1. Research Article: Media Richness, Naturalness, and Compensatory Adaptation: Counterintuitive Effects on Correct Rejections of Deceitful Contract Clauses in the USA and Mexico; by Ned Kock, Jesus Carmona, and Murad Moqbel.
    Studies different ways to present contract clauses to people who are reviewing contracts for purchasing software.

The issue is available at:

Note that a user ID and password are required to view individual articles.