Engineering communication is not just an artifact; it’s a process. Understanding how the process works and how you best work within that process is an essential part of becoming an effective communicator. The resources on this page describe how to approach various stages in the communication process – from audience analysis to revision and editing – most effectively.
Published on September 23, 2018 Consider engineering as an act of translation, generating and applying different representations (words, models, equations, diagrams, etc.) to the practices of design and problem solving. The engineer perpetually moves between the world of theory and reality, and each step in between ...
Published on December 14, 2017 J. Scott Weedon, winner of the 2017 Lufkin award for best paper, describes the important relationship between engineering judgement and engineering communication, showing how understanding this relationship can improve both aspects of your engineering work. In this short video interview, hear ...
Published on March 9, 2016 Most virtual teams are established with nothing more than a goal, a list of team members, and a lot of trial and error. Miscommunication in these global teams is common and can cost companies millions in lost production. Not only do ...
Published on February 17, 2016 Understanding your audience often discussed as one of the most important steps of the communication process; however, it is often the least well practiced and understood stage as well, largely because most documents (or other forms of communication) have multiple audiences, with multiple needs. In her ...
Published on January 29, 2016 A systematic process can significantly improve your communication practices and outcomes, especially in technical communication contexts. In this short video, Debbie Davy briefly outlines the need for and describes her Strategic Communication Framework. Her framework was presented in depth at the IEEE PCS Conference in Limerick, ...
Published on January 29, 2016 A systematic process can significantly improve your communication practices and outcomes, especially in technical communication contexts. In this video, Debbie Davy briefly outlines the need for and describes her Strategic Communication Framework. Her framework was presented in depth at the IEEE PCS Conference in Limerick, Ireland ...
Published on August 11, 2015 International organizations need to communicate with stakeholders with diverse cultural backgrounds. Different cultures have different values, which may have implications for how messages are evaluated across cultures. Different cultural values may lead to different stylistic preferences. Does this mean that organizations ...
Published on May 7, 2015 Professional communication often involves producing documentation for slightly different contexts, sometimes over the course of multiple years. Information about the same product, process, or event is often delivered to different audiences and to meet different purposes. Product specifications might need to ...
Published on November 20, 2014 Dr. Richard House, co-author of the Lufkin award winning paper on engineering ethos in environmental public policy deliberations, tell us about the case they studied, and what it tells us about how engineering argument and authority is often constructed. Find out ...