Posts tagged with: Engineering

Dr. Richard House on Developing Engineering Credibility

Dr. Richard House, co-author of the Lufkin award winning paper on engineering ethos in environmental public policy deliberations, tell us about the case they studied, and what it tells us about how engineering argument and authority is often constructed.  Find out about what helps to …

Michael Alley on Presentation Delivery in Engineering Contexts

At the IEEE PCS 2014 conference, Michael Alley, winner of the Ronald S. Blicq award for Distinction in Technical Communication, gave an engaging talk on the gap between what is expected of engineers in their professional presentations and what is taught in their classrooms, concluding with a need to …

Taking a Leadership Role in PCS

Serving on the PCS AdCom is a great way to support our society!
There are many ways in which being a member of the IEEE Professional Communication Society contributes to your professional identify  For me, joining PCS was a way to connect with communication people who …

PCS Newsletters Archive–Everything Old is New Again!

The header from the first IEEE Group on Engineering Writing and Speech Newsletter
Bell-bottom jeans, disco music, and a Dodge Dart–if you take a look at consumer culture, you would suspect that we are in the midst of a 70’s revival.  In the case of PCS, …

What Works in the Workplace? Communication Competence and Technical Skills

Interpersonal Competencies and Technical Skills–Double Whammy!
There has been a lot of conversation and consternation around one important issue:  how can we best prepare college students for the world of work?  Responses to a survey conducted by Bentley University through their PreparedU Project suggest that a …

The “A” Word Redux

In this case, it stands for ABET!
In the fall of 2012, I posted on a topic that strikes fear in the hearts of engineering educators–ABET, Inc.  At that time, one year ago, my campus was preparing for the site visit of ABET evaluators, a three …

IPCC 2013 in Vancouver

IPCC 2013 kicked off Sunday evening on the beautiful campus of the University of British Columbia Vancouver.  Registration opened at 3:00 PM, and we had the chance to greet old friends and meet new ones.
Carolyn Labun and Darlene Webb, IPCC 2013 Program Co-chairs, greet Ron Blicq …

It’s Almost Here–IPCC 2013 in Vancouver

Beautiful scenery and memorable speakers–who could ask for more?
One week from today, we will kick off IPCC 2013 on the campus of the University of British Columbia Vancouver!  With a beautiful setting, a fantastic program of presenters, and an all star lineup of keynoters, IPCC …

Will Communicate For Food

This is one way to get a job, but perhaps not the most effective.
In a recent article in the New York Times, Alina Tugend posed the eternal question that often crops up at this time of year–what are the skills college graduates should possess to make them employable? …

The Power of Presentations

Giving a good presentation is key to success as a technical professional.
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and the IEEE Professional Communication Society are partnering this year to bring communication content to members of both societies.  In case you missed it, the webinar entitled “The …

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