It’s Almost Here–IPCC 2013 in Vancouver
Published on July 8, 2013

One week from today, we will kick off IPCC 2013 on the campus of the University of British Columbia Vancouver! With a beautiful setting, a fantastic program of presenters, and an all star lineup of keynoters, IPCC 2013 promises to inform and delight. We look forward to seeing you and/or meeting you in Vancouver. Check out the conference website for transportation information on getting from the airport to the campus.
Registration starts at 3:00 PM on Sunday, July 14th. At 5:00 PM, there will be an opening reception and get together at Mahony & Sons Irish Pub. Thanks to Sandy Bartell, conference chair, and her amazing team for planning the conference this year!
If you are traveling from the U.S., don’t forget your passport…