13:00-13:10 Online Symposium Opens
13:10-13:20 Opening Remarks
Atsuko K. Yamazaki
Chair, IEEE Professional Communication Society Japan Chapter
13:20-13:55: Keynote
School towards the New Normal Digital World
Tomoyuki Sugiyama, President, Digital Hollywood University
Biography and Abstract
14:00-15:20: Panel Discussion
Moderator: Pauline N. Kawamoto
Harmony between AI and Humans; the application of AI
Hidenori Kawamura
Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University
Biography & Abstract
Non-contact AI Education in Seoul National University (SNU)
Thomas Kang
Professor, Dept. of Architecture & Architectural Engineering,
Director, Innovation Center for Engineering Education,
Director, Global Education Center for Engineers
Seoul National University
Biography & Abstract
Communication: Developing Entrepreneurial Thinking in a COVID-2019 Landscape English Digital Storytelling (DS) Projects for Teaching Professional and Technical
Debopriyo Roy
Professor, University of Aizu
Biography & Abstract
How business communication has been and will be impacted by the COVID-19
Go Harada
Biography & Abstract
15:20-15:30 Commentary
Darina Slattery
University of Limerick