
Dr. Alex Ilyasova on Emotional Intelligence and Engineering Communication

Dr. Alex Ilyasova, Director of the Professional and Technical Writing Program at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, defines emotional intelligence and describes the important role that it plays in engineering work, particularly in communication within teams.
Her research on this topic was delivered at the IEEE …

Podcast: Engineering Success Through Better Communication, with Anthony Fasano

In this podcast, we discuss the role that communication skills play in determining success for engineers with Anthony Fasano, author of the IEEE-Wiley series book, Engineer Your Own Success: 7 Key Elements to Creating an Extraordinary Engineering Career, and strategies for improving communication skills in various formal and …

The Elements of Visual Communication, by Melissa Clarkson

Are you in the process of composing a set of slides, a handout, or some other graphical document? You may want to read Melissa Clarkson‘s new contribution to the site, on The Elements of Visual Communication, where she identifies key strategies for graphically communicate (A) hierarchy, (B) grouping and (C) sequence, three relationships that …