
Golf, Anyone?

Friends at Ennis Club Woodstock
If you play golf at all, you’ll love golfing in Ireland! And no, you probably do not want to head for the championship courses, unless you are a rich golf pro.
But literally hundreds of small courses are found all throughout Ireland! …

If Spring comes, can Summer be far behind?

Though snow may still linger in your hometown, it really is time to focus on July in Ireland! I heartily recommend choosing on-campus housing for a number of reasons.
CONVENIENCE — No driving and looking for parking! Just walk a few minutes across a beautiful pedestrian …

“Mixing Work and Pleasure” by Carolyn Boiarsky

The best part of the ProComm Conference is the opportunity to mix work and pleasure. The work is the Conference but the pleasure is Ireland.
Years ago I read The Mists of Avalon and decided I was part Celtic. (My DNA [spit] test says I am …

“Images from Ireland” by Marjorie Davis

The first time I visited Ireland, I was immediately charmed by its fabled beauty. Flying into Shannon Airport, we couldn’t believe the intense greens; the small fields fenced about with stones; the little cottages and clusters of houses and little shops that make up the …

“There Once Was a City Named Limerick…” by Nancy Coppola

Perhaps it was the intriguing medieval castles or the pints raised at local pubs, but there was a bonhomie that developed around IPCC 2005 that made our conference colleagues feel like kindred spirits sharing a remarkable journey. And ProComm 2015 should prove no differently. One …

“The Total Limerick Experience” Sandy Bartell

I went to the first ProComm conference in Limerick in 2005, and to this day, it is still the best conference I ever attended. Not only was the program outstanding, but all the other things I could see and do in that lovely green part …

“Exchange Ideas and Insights at ProComm 2015” by Kirk St. Amant

ProComm 2015 represents an amazing opportunity for exchanging ideas, insights, and practices not only among individuals from academia and industry, but also with colleagues representing a wide range of nations and cultures.
The atmosphere of the conference is one of true interaction and collaboration, and many …