
Call for AdCom Nominations 2014

The IEEE Professional Communication Society is managed by an administrative committee (AdCom) comprising 12 volunteers who work to assure that our society serves its members and the field of technical and professional communication. If you are interested in a higher level of involvement in PCS …


World Congress on Engineering Education 2014
9 – 11 November 2014 in Doha, Qatar
The Grand Challenges for Engineering, identified by the National Academy of Engineering, represent the greatest contemporary opportunities for engineering disciplines to improve the lives of people worldwide. Those 14 imperatives will shape the careers of …

New Release: A Scientific Approach to Writing for Scientists and Engineers

The IEEE Professional Communication Society (PCS), with Wiley-IEEE Press, continues its book series titled Professional Engineering Communication with Dr. Robert E. Berger’s  A Scientific Approach to Writing for Scientists and Engineers. His unique perspective on how to build sentences, paragraphs, and longer pieces is an …

Reminder: CFP for CPSTC due July 7th, 2014

A quick reminder that the proposal submission deadline for the 2014 Annual Conference of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) is 7 July 2014 — roughly a month away.
The full CFP is available here, and more information on the conference can …

Register Now for IPCC 2014 in Pittsburgh!

Please join us for our annual IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (IPCC). IPCC 2014 in Pittsburgh will serve as a meeting ground for discussions about communication and learning—in the classroom, in the workplace, and as a lifelong process. We invite technical communicators, engineers, educators, researchers, …

Call for Student Posters: IEEE PCS Conference, October 13-15, 2014

The IPCC 2014 Student Poster Competition deadline has been extended to June 17th 2014. Please share this announcement with students in your program.
Call for Student Posters
The IEEE Professional Communication Society (PCS) invites student submissions to the Electronic Poster Competition at the 2014 International Professional Communication …

CFH: Call for Conference Hosts for 2015 and 2016

The Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) invites proposals to host its 2015 and 2016 annual conferences.
General information on serving as a local conference host, and submitting a proposal to host a future CPTSC conference, can be found online at
Specific information on …