Our Vision:

To become the leading IEEE authority on professional, scientific, engineering, and technical communication, content development, information design, and usability, as well as their potential social impacts.


Our Mission:

To foster a community dedicated to understanding and promoting effective communication in engineering, scientific, and other technical environments.

To this end, the IEEE Professional Communication Society endeavors to:

  • Advance technical and scientific communication as an essential element of engineering;
  • Help engineers, scientists, and other technically oriented professionals to communicate better in the workplace–both in speaking and in writing, both verbally and nonverbally;
  • Demonstrate how communication can be audience-focused, accessible, ethical, diverse, and inclusive;
  • Promote and disseminate best practices and research results on the development, maintenance, delivery, and management of technical content; and,
  • Promote and facilitate leading-edge education and training of engineers, scientists, and other technically oriented professionals in communication theory and practice.


Our Field of Interest:

The Professional Communication Society’s interests include the study, preparation, production, delivery, use, improvement, and promotion of human communication in all media in engineering and other technical and professional environments.

View the IEEE Professional Communication Society Constitution

View the IEEE Professional Communication Society Bylaws