Oral Presentation

IEEE Transactions Available, Sept 2024

IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication

SEPTEMBER 2024       VOLUME 67      NUMBER 3       IEPCBU      (ISSN 0361-1434)


The Evolutionary Convergence of Technical Communication and Translation: An Integrative Literature Review of Scholarship from 2000 to 2022, G. Palumbo and A. H. Duin

This study sought to identify the evolutionary convergence …

Managing Q&A for Maximizing Engagement in Remote Environments

The question and answer period in any presentation has always been a key part of measuring and enabling audience engagement with the presenter and their content. An active Q&A session tells you that your audience has been listening and interested; a silent Q&A tells you …

Beware of the accidental audience

By Christine Nicometo, originally published on LinkedIn.

As I near the two-decade mark teaching presentations to professionals, you might say I’ve seen it all. From the brilliantly terrified to the underprepared but overly confident, speakers each start with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. However, …

Thinking of your Presentation as a Performance

By Lydia Wilkinson
Oral presentations can strike fear into the hearts of many an engineer. This discomfort is something all actors have had to deal with at some point, and that the discipline has developed strategies to address. Performers think of their body and voices as …

Engineering Career Coach Anthony Fasano interviews Traci Nathans Kelly on Slide Rules

Traci-Nathans Kelly, former editor of our IEEE Professional Communication Society book series, is interviewed by The Engineering Career Coach’s Anthony Fasano about her book, co-authored with Christine G. Nicometo,  Slide Rules: Design, Build, and Archive Presentations in the Engineering and Technical Fields.
Listen here to get some …

PCS at IEEE Sections Congress, Australia: Ryan Boettger’s Ignite Talk

Brian Traynor and Ryan Boettger represented PCS at IEEE Sections Congress—‚a triennial gathering of IEEE Section leadership—in Sydney, Australia in August this year. 1250 IEEE members from 165 countries participated the event. We were able to introduce PCS and its activities and publications to many IEEE …

Using a Storyboard to Plan a Presentation

How do you start a presentation? If you have looked for a strategy to plan an oral presentation, you might want to consider Storyboarding, an important technique for planning described by Melissa Clarkson in this post. This technique for developing the structure and content of a presentation helps …