
Awards! Awards! Awards!

Every year, we recognize professional achievements and contributions to our profession and society by presenting awards to individuals or groups. Our 2019 winners were presented with their awards at ProComm 2019 in Aachen, Germany.

We are currently looking for nominations for our 2020 awards.

The Alfred N. …

Get Involved with the IEEE ProComm Expert Network

Looking to get involved and to share ProComm’s expertise and activities? Have a great idea for a workshop or talk that would be of interest to other IEEE members? Why not join the Expert Network?

Our Expert Network connects ProComm members with IEEE societies and chapters …

NSF Travel Grants for US-based Graduate and Undergraduate Students to VTS Conference

As part of NSF’s commitment to maintain the United States’ research competitiveness and to increase diversity, we are pleased to offer competitive travel grants to the Diversity Workshop at VTC2019-Fall in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Eligibility – Graduate students currently pursuing Ph.D. degrees in accredited higher education institutions in the United States will be …

Special Issue on Plain Language Wins Best Collection of Original Essays 2019 from 4Cs

The IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Special Issue on Plain Language has been chosen for the CCCC award for (Council on College Composition and Communication) Best Collection of Original Essays in Scientific and Technical Communication. Congratulations to the authors, and especially the editors of the issue: Natalya …

Revised IEEE ProComm Constitution and Bylaws

Season’s greetings everyone! Just a quick note that our constitution and bylaws have been revised, approved by the Board of Governors, and approved by the Vice President of Technical Activities for the IEEE on December 20th, 2018. These documents, available below, will go into effect …

A Survey on Patent Courses in Bachelor Degrees of Science and Engineering

IEEE Education Society Sr Past President Manuel Castro is conducting a survey about introducing new Patent Courses in Bachelor Degrees of Science and Engineering.

Please contribute to the survey by visiting:

Your response is anonymous and the survey takes only 10 minutes.

In Memoriam Rudolph J. Joenk, Jr., PhD (1932-2018)

Rudy Joenk, longtime member of the IEEE Professional Communication Society, passed away in Boulder, CO on 5 November 2018.
Born in St. Louis, MO, he graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a bachelor’s degree in physics in 1953. After 21 months of active duty …