
Job: Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology invites applications for a two-year visiting assistant professor of English starting in August 2017.
The position requires teaching professional and technical communication courses, as well as developing elective courses in the candidate’s areas of interest suitable for undergraduate non-majors.  Preferred areas of …

CFP: CEEA 2017 in Toronto

The Canadian Engineering Education Association’s Annual Conference – CEEA2017 will be hosted by the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario from June 4 to 7, 2017, and there’s still time to get your paper in!

Submissions for IEEE ProComm 2017 Now Open!!

We look forward to seeing your proposals, reading your papers, and seeing you in Madison!!  Submission deadline extended until January 13, 2017!

Call for Applications: Editor-in-Chief of the scholarly publication Communication Design Quarterly (CDQ)

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Design of Communication (SIGDOC) seeks an editor-in-chief and institutional home for its peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Communication Design Quarterly (CDQ).
Overview of CDQ
Communication Design Quarterly is published four times a year (four issues in an annual volume), and CDQ publishes research articles, commentaries, …

Job Openings: Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas

Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas, is pleased to invite applications for the following tenure track positions:
Assistant Professor, Business and Technical Communication, tenure track
Responsibilities: 4/4 teaching load, including undergraduate communication core and business communication courses, and graduate online-courses in professional and technical communication; course development; …

Call for Participation: Writing Studies and IRBs

Johanna Hillen, PhD candidate at the University of South Florida, Dr. Joe Moxley, her advisor, and Dr. Norbert Elliot, are looking for your participation in a research study on Writing Studies and IRBs, and hope you will support this CCCC Research Initiative study (USF Protocol #25347). They are looking for a diversity …

Full time, Continuing Positions in Professional Writing at Ithaca College

The Department of Writing at Ithaca College seeks candidates for two full-time, continuing positions in professional writing. One line is tenure-eligible, the other non-tenure-eligible. Both positions require a master’s degree. 
Interested individuals should apply at and attach a cover letter and CV. The applicant must also provide names and …

Workshop on “Developing a Competitive NSF RED Proposal”

Are you preparing a RED proposal for your program? Are you struggling with what it means to be revolutionary? Are you unsure of who you need on your team to create a successful proposal? Are you confused about change models and how to use them …