Published on September 29, 2013

The ATTW Book Series in Technical and Professional Communication will release its first book on 21 October 2013: Social Media in Disaster Response: How Experience Architects Can Build for Participation by Liza Potts, Michigan State University.
In Social Media in Disaster Response, Potts traces how everyday people communicate online during times of disaster. Looking at experiences across the social web, she examines how we can architect systems that encourage and facilitate participation. Her book provides methods and frameworks for researchers and practitioners in technical communication, information design, computer science, and digital humanities.

Ch. 1  Experience, Disaster, and the Social Web
Ch. 2  Methods for Researching and Architecting the Social Web
Ch. 3  Locating Data in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
Ch. 4  Validating Information during the London Bombings
Ch. 5  Transferring Knowledge during the Mumbai Attacks
Ch. 6  Architecting Systems for Participation

For more information about the book, including an annotated table of contents, visit the website:

For more information about the ATTW Book Series, a line of research-driven, useful, usable, and interesting books, visit:

Finally, if you would like to review the book for a journal, please contact the editor of the series, Jo Mackiewicz, at