Search for New Editor-in-Chief
Published on February 5, 2025
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication

The IEEE Professional Communication Society (ProComm) is searching for a new Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. The successful candidate will begin a six-month role as Deputy Editor beginning 1 July 2025 and commence as Editor-in-Chief on 1 January 2026.
The Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor positions require approximately 10 hours per week of the incumbent’s time.
Qualifications and experience for the Editor-in-Chief position include the following:
- Master’s degree in technical or professional communication or related field; PhD preferred
- Some journal editorial experience as an associate editor, special issue editor, editorial staff member, etc.
- Demonstrated ability to work closely with authors to improve their manuscripts (for example, as a teacher of writing, editorial assistant, etc.)
- Ability to implement IEEE and ProComm publishing policies and requirements
- Full membership in the IEEE and ProComm no later than 1 January 2026
The duties of the Deputy Editor position are the following:
- Consult with current editor-in-chief (EIC) to learn IEEE publishing policies and procedures
- Consult with current EIC to learn overall Transactions operations
- Learn formatting conventions for preparing manuscripts for typesetting
- “Meet” the current associate editors and learn their roles
- “Meet” the IEEE staff editor and learn his role in preparing manuscripts for publication
- Learn the current process for reviewing manuscripts, including the Mac-based database used to track manuscript submissions
- Participate in weekly conference calls with the current EIC to review status of all manuscripts and discuss assignments
- Edit and format assigned manuscripts for typesetting and review with the current EIC
- Assist with reading proofs
- Perform other tasks as assigned by the current EIC
- Plan the editorial calendar and staff for 2026
The Deputy Editor will receive a stipend of $1000 US per month. The EIC receives a stipend of $2500 US per month ($30,000 US per year).
The EIC is an ex officio member of the ProComm Board of Governors and attends the meetings of that body.
Applicants for the position should submit a short letter of application, resume/CV (10-page maximum), and a 3-page document describing their vision for the Transactions. Candidates currently employed in academe or industry should also submit a letter from their employer expressing support of their application.
Applications should be submitted to the ProComm President, Suzanne Lane (, by 31 March 2025 and will be evaluated by the Editorial Hiring Committee. We expect to conduct online interviews during April and make an offer no later than 1 May 2025.