Published on June 20, 2017

Dear Members,

We are pleased to share with you the launch of the first edition of our renewed e-newsletter—featuring research-based guidelines and principles for writing and communication that engineering professionals and technical communicators can use. It also includes announcements and other information relevant to the members.

The newsletter is curated by Alan Chong, our first Digital Content Curator. In the past few years, Alan has been busy populating our society website by translating research findings published in our journal and conference proceedings into more accessible format. Every other month, Alan will feature a small set of articles and from our website.

Established in 1957, the Professional Communication Society has been dedicated to understanding and promoting effective communication in engineering, scientific, and other technical disciplines. Since the early days, the newsletter was one of the means of sharing our expertise within the society. However, as the new communication technologies emerged in the late 20th century, our focus had shifted to publishing on our website.

Then, we heard from many of you that you missed getting the newsletter in the mail. Our renewed e-newsletter is a response to this demand. Our goal is to deliver carefully selected digest of communication guidelines and principles in a highly accessible format, directly in your inbox.

We hope you enjoy the first edition our renewed newsletter. And, please let us know if you have any suggestions for improving the newsletter.


Suguru Ishizaki

President, IEEE Professional Communication Society