Published on January 30, 2015

“Once is an incident; twice is a trend; thrice is a tradition”

If this saying is true, ProComm 2015 creates a tradition: every fifth year the PCS conference should be held in Europe!

Students Limerick 2005Many young students attended Limerick 2005 and Twente 2010 and became good friends. Most of them have made a successful career during the past decade. How wonderful would it be if they could meet each other again in Limerick to see what progress they made, what changed, and what direction the field will go in the future. After all, they will be the leaders for tomorrow!

ProComm (formerly known as IPCC) is always an excellent opportunity for researchers and practitioners in technical and professional communication (TPC) to present their research and teaching practices, to exchange ideas, and to discuss new developments. The “European” ProComm conferences make it possible for European colleagues to attend this event at a reasonable cost. And what is more important: they show that TPC is not only good business in the USA and Japan, but also in Europe. Not to forget the social events and the many pleasant personal contacts that colleagues make—the conference is a wonderful way to make friends and contacts.

Michael 2014So, take the advice of a senior who left the arena after almost 40 years of teaching and research, and register for ProComm 2015.

Michaël Steehouder