Request for Proposals — Technical Communication Editor-in-Chief and Host Institution
Published on January 16, 2015
The Society for Technical Communication (STC) is soliciting proposals for the editorship of Technical Communication for a three-year, renewable commitment. The first issue for the new editor will be January 2016, but the appointed editor should be available to work with the current editor in 2015. The new editor should be an accomplished scholar, a (preferably) tenured member of the faculty, and a senior member of STC who is conversant with and committed to its goals. A successful proposal must demonstrate both the prospective editor’s credentials and the host institution’s support for publishing the journal.
About the Journal
Technical Communication is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal published by the Society for Technical Communication. It is aimed at an audience of technical communication practitioners and academics. The journal’s goal is to contribute to the body of knowledge of the field of technical communication from a multidisciplinary perspective, with special emphasis on the combination of academic rigor and practical relevance.
Technical Communication publishes articles in five categories:
- Applied research – reports of practically relevant (empirical or analytical) research
- Applied theory – original contributions to technical communication theory
- Case history – reports on solutions to technical communication problems
- Tutorial – instructions on processes or procedures that respond to new developments, insights, laws, standards, requirements, or technologies
- Bibliography – reviews of relevant research or bibliographic essays
Technical Communication is published as a print journal four times per year by the Society for Technical Communication. The journal is also published online on STC’s website ( and via Ingenta Connect (
Responsibilities of the Editor
The editor’s responsibilities include the following:
- Arrange double-blind peer review
- Make manuscript acceptance and publication decisions
- Review potential contributions
- Manage associate editors and special issue editors
- Contribute to STC’s management of production, promotion, and distribution, including subscriptions, marketing, and advertising
- Solicit articles
- Provide feedback to authors
- Deliver manuscripts to STC and its vendors according to set schedules and deadlines
- Provide an annual report of the state of the journal
- Chair the Editorial Advisory Board
- Meet annually with the STC Board of Directors
Full proposals from prospective editors should be submitted by 1 April 2015 and should include the following:
1. Statement of Editorial Policy: Considering the research published in Technical Communication in the past, describe the editorial scope and policies to be pursued under your editorship. What will the journal look like under your leadership? This statement should show familiarity with the important issues confronting technical communication scholarship and practice and describe how Technical Communication will continue to serve the field. Please also include the names of potential associate editors or members of the Editorial Advisory Board.
2. Statement of Institutional Resources: Provide a detailed description of the support that your institution will provide, along with a letter from your institution’s administration confirming that support. Technical Communication’s host institution will be responsible for providing office space and furnishings, as well as arrangements such as course release and travel support for the editor. The new editor will also need an editorial assistant, especially for copyediting manuscripts, to ensure the high quality of final articles. In this partnership, STC will provide some annual financial and travel support for the journal and gratis Gold STC membership for the duration of the editor’s term.
3. Curriculum Vitae
Selection Details
All proposals will be reviewed by a selection advisory committee comprised of the STC Director of Communications, STC senior members, and a representative sample of the current Editorial Advisory Board. The advisory committee will make its recommendations to STC’s Chief Executive Officer and the STC Board of Directors, who will make the final decision concerning the appointment of the new editor.
Proposals for the editorship will be judged on several areas. The statement of editorial policy is critical, as it must reflect an understanding of the field of technical communication and the role that the journal plays in shaping that field. Each proposal must also articulate a vision for the journal’s future. Each proposal will be evaluated in terms of the editor’s academic qualifications, publishing experience, dedication to the Society, and overall ability to work with a diverse group of interdisciplinary communications scholars dedicated to academic rigor and practical relevance.
The applicant’s proposed list of associate editors and Editorial Advisory Board members will also be assessed, with value placed not only on expertise, but also on a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives. Finally, the host institution’s support will be an important factor.
The new editor’s term will begin with the January 2016 issue, but the appointed editor should be available to work with the current editor and STC staff in 2015 to complete the 2015 editorial calendar.
Submission Process
Proposals should be sent to STC Director of Communications Liz Pohland by 1 April 2015. Following discussion and consideration with STC CEO Chris Lyons and the STC Board of Directors, the announcement of the editor will be made by June 2015. For more information and to submit a proposal, contact STC Director of Communications Liz Pohland at or 571-366-1910.
For further information, please contact Liz Pohland or a member of the selection advisory committee:
Michelle Corbin,
Hillary Hart,
Miles Kimball,
Avon Murphy,
Kirk St.Amant,