Posts tagged with: Writing

Oh Wow!

Here’s an image I can get behind: a dog with graph and chart!
Check out the latest Prism magazine, published by the American Society for Engineering Education, to read more about how engineering educators are helping students improve their written and oral communication skills.
Thomas K. Grose, in …

Using Social Media for Job Searching

Getting a job involves more than just updating your resume!
As part of my Professional and Technical Communication course at Rose-Hulman, I ask students to revise their current resume and job application letter to target a particular job and company.  For many students, the notion of …

Unleash Your Inner Asimov

Don’t be alarmed–this is an actual sighting of an engineer reading!
I was very pleased to read G. Pascal Zachary’s Opinion piece in the November 2012 issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine.  Yes, fiction has an important role to play in inspiring creativity among the engineering set.  In fact, …

Let’s Engineer Communication!

Teaching communication to engineers looks a lot like conducting an orchestra.
On Monday, November 26th, we started a new academic term here at Rose-Hulman, my home institution. That means I met with students in the two sections of the Technical and Professional Communication course that I …

Let Me Verbalize It For You

You can turn each of these nouns into a verb, but do so at your own peril!
I thought I would recommend Helen Sword’s recent posting in the NYT Draft column on the topic of mutant verbs.  Be warned–the creation of verb forms from nouns doesn’t make our …

More on the M-Dash

Ben Yagoda has provided more information on the m-dash in today’s New York Times.  I am pleased that my own ramblings on the subject in a previous blog inspired others to explore this dainty bit of punctuation goodness!

The Writing Engineer

To engineer is to write.
I was reminded recently about the amount of time working engineers spend on communication.  As Jon Leydens explained in his 2008 PCS Transactions article,
“engineers spend between 20% and 40% of their workday writing, a figure that increases as they move up the career …

Who Cares About The Oxford Comma? I Do!

I need this t-shirt!
I am ready to confess:  I do care a lot about the Oxford comma.  The purpose of this post is to make you care too.
The Oxford comma, or “serial comma,” is meant to separate three or more items that appear in a …

If Communication is a “Soft Skill,” Then Why Is It So Hard?

Calling communication a “soft skill” implies that it’s easier, less technical, and of reduced value.
Recently the phrase “soft skills” created a heated debate among the members of the PCS AdCom.  The question was, should communication be referred to as one of the “soft skills,” or …