Call for Participation
- Student Posters accepted until March 31, 2017 (closed)
- Paper drafts due March 31, 2017 (closed)
- Final papers due May 19, 2017–EXTENDED DEADLINE
- PDF version here: ProComm 2017 CFP PDF
As ProComm 2017 will be lakeside in beautiful Madison, WI, we encourage presenters to explore how their work is Making Waves in the 21st century.
Think about how you test the waters, change tack, ride the current, surf the waves, avoid the undertow, or dive in fearlessly when a communication challenge surfaces. How can small ripples in practice become waves of change? What keeps you buoyant? What is your compass? What happens when you take the helm? How do you avoid sinking or becoming stranded? What procedures and practices make it possible to race forward?
We welcome perspectives that will help all of us become better at what we do. ProComm 2017 invites work from practitioners, communication instructors, engineering instructors, managers, entrepreneurs, freelance writers, technical writers, engineering professionals, and others to discuss the ways in which their communication practices require innovation, disruption, challenge, and persistence to get successful work done.
Student Posters (closed)
To be considered for the poster session, students submit an extended abstract (no more than 700 words) by March 31, 2017 to the conference website that describes the research to be presented at the poster session. If accepted to the conference, this extended abstract will be published in IEEE’s archived repository, Xplore. Abstracts will be double blinded for review by no fewer than two reviewers. More information about the student poster session is available on the ProComm 2017 homepage. ProComm 2017 CFP PDF Submit your poster proposal
Tracks (closed)
ProComm invites submissions in four tracks:
- Workplace Communication Practices ProComm 2017 CFP PDF
- Research Perspectives ProComm 2017 CFP PDF
- Insights from Teaching ProComm 2017 CFP PDF
- New for 2017! Communication for Healthcare, Medical, and Biomedical Engineering
Workplace Communication Practices
Are you a practitioner of technical, professional, scientific, or engineering communication? Do you have tested ideas about best practices? Have you tried a new product or process that you’d like to talk to others about? We invite practitioners to share these ideas with other practitioners and researchers to engage in discussions about making waves in the field.
Research Perspectives
Are you a researcher of technical, professional, scientific, or engineering communication? Are you performing empirical investigations of issues or phenomena in the field? Have you conducted a case study about a process or a product? We invite researchers to share their findings at beginning, midpoint, and completed stages of investigation, and this conference welcomes a wide range of research methods.
Insights from Teaching
Are you a teacher of technical, professional, scientific, or engineering communication? Do you have insight on how students in industry and in the academy learn and produce excellent communication? Have you tried a new pedagogical approach? Have you tried a new technology to supplement your teaching? We invite teachers to report their experiences with others to improve learning across the discipline.
Communication for Health, Medical, and Biomedical Engineering
New for ProComm 2017! Do you engage in some form of communication connected to aspects of health, medicine, or biomedical engineering? Are you a biomedical engineer? Do you study biomedical engineering and the types of communication associated with the field? Do you work with communication strategies in the health or medical fields? Do you teach such subjects? If so, we encourage you to apply to this specialized communication track.
Submissions (closed)
Authors can submit Papers, Panels, or Workshops. Student authors are additionally invited to submit a Poster for a special student poster session (open to current undergraduate or graduate students, and those who graduated no earlier than Sept. 1, 2016). To keep the program diversified, authors are limited to three submissions maximum (including co-authored works), and are strongly encouraged to promote other co-authors to the position of presenter where appropriate.
Paper Proposals (closed)
Authors typically have 15-20 minutes to present their work at the conference. Authors may select one of three formats: full paper, brief paper, or extended abstract. All three formats are published in the conference proceedings through IEEE Xplore. One author from each paper must register for, attend, and give the paper at the conference for inclusion in the program and to be published in the Proceedings.
Panel Proposals (closed)
Panels are 75-minute sessions with multiple presenters. Panels may be comprised of multiple speakers organized around a general topic, or they may include multiple perspectives on a more specific topic. Panel proposals and papers will undergo double-blind review. For first round review, the leader of the panel should submit, on behalf of all the panelists, a 1500-1800 word proposal that describes the topic on the panel and what each presenter will contribute to that topic. For second round review, the leader of the panel should submit, on behalf of all the panelists, a single paper, up to 14 pages, to be published in the Proceedings. All members of the panel must register for and attend the conference.
Workshop Proposals (closed)
Workshops include one or more facilitators presenting an engaging 75-minute “how to” or “about” session addressing relevant practices, issues, or technologies of interest to professional engineers, technical communication specialists, and/or people teaching in those fields. To propose a Workshop, submit a proposal of approximately 700 words that includes the following information:
- The topic of the workshop and its relevancy for the ProComm audience and technical communicators
- A description of the intended audience for the workshop
- The learning objectives for the workshop participants
- A description of the engagement activities for the workshop (including if participants should bring laptops, files, etc.)
- An explanation of how the activities of the workshop support the learning objectives
- A description of qualifications of the facilitator(s) for delivering this workshop
All workshop facilitators must register for and attend the conference. Note that because facilitators’ qualifications are part of the submission, workshop proposal reviews will be single-blind rather than double-blind.
Student Posters (closed)
To be considered for the poster session, students submit an extended abstract (no more than 700 words) by March 15, 2017 to the conference website that describes the research to be presented at the poster session. If accepted to the conference, this extended abstract will be published in IEEE’s archived repository, Xplore. Abstracts will be double blinded for review by no fewer than two reviewers. More information about the student poster session is available on the ProComm 2017 homepage. ProComm 2017 CFP PDF Submit your poster
Program Chairs: Erin Friess ( and Necia Werner ( ProComm 2017 CFP PDF
Photo Credit: ProComm 2017 will be adjacent to the famous Memorial Union Terrace at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Photo courtesy ©UW-Madison University Communications. Photo by Bryce Richter. Used with permission.
Logo Credit: The ProComm 2017 logo was created by Suguru Ishizaki.