The Wiley-IEEE PCS Book Series

The PCS-sponsored book series “Professional Engineering Communication” is a thriving and growing set of materials aimed at professional engineers, engineering instructors, and engineering students. This series addresses, specifically, the needs of IEEE membership, focusing on professional communication elements, techniques, concerns, and issues.

Our materials are gleaned from very real, daily, on-site communication needs. With an eye to realistic examples, gathered from engineers and their colleagues, this series aims to produce resources that are new, unique, and on task. If you are interested in authoring, editing, or contributing to this series, please contact the series editor, Lydia Wilkinson at  Otherwise, please download and use the book proposal template.

This series is uniquely positioned to meet the communication needs for the practicing, experienced engineer in industry, research, or academia. After finding solutions to projects or problems, the second most important activity of an engineer is to communicate findings, results, advances, setbacks, and new ideas. From seasoned practicing engineers who could use a refresher on how to use the newest of communication technologies, to graduate students looking to publish a first paper, to entrepreneurs writing patents on an exciting new product, to faculty and administrators navigating ABET visits, the hope is that this series can assist. PCS proposed this series in a response to requests by IEEE members for a set of materials that meets their specific professional needs.

In addition, administrators and faculty teaching in these areas may be interested in the content for professional development, for administrative support, in-class use, or for insight as to how on-site engineers in various fields approach daily communication tasks. For more information, please contact the series editor, Lydia Wilkinson (

On the Shelves

So, You Have to Write a Literature Review: A Guided Workbook for Engineers. (Berdanier and Lenart).
Engineered to Speak. (Chilcutt and Brooks).
Engineering Justice: Transforming Engineering Education and Practice. (Leydens and Lucena).
The IEEE Guide to Writing in the Engineering and Technical Fields. (Kmeic and Longo).
Crisis and Communication: Transboundary Cases from Nonwestern Perspectives (eds. George and Kwansah-Aidoo).

Teaching and Training for Global Engineering: Perspectives on Culture and Professional Communication Practices (Kirk St. Amant, Madelyn Flammia).


The Fully Integrated Engineer: Combining Technical Ability and Leadership Prowess (Steven T. Cerri).


Communication Practices in Engineering, Manufacturing, and Research for Food and Water Safety. (Ed. David Wright).


International Virtual Teams: Engineering Global Success. (Pam Estes Brewer).

9781118659649.pdf Engineer Your Own Success: 7 Key Elements to Creating an Extraordinary Engineering Career. (Fasano).
9781118002964.pdf Slide Rules: Design, Build, and Archive Presentations in Engineering and Technical Fields. (Nathans-Kelly, Nicometo). See an excerpted principle from Slides Rules on this page on slide titles
9781118061619_cover.indd Negotiating Cultural Encounters: Case Studies in Intercultural Engineering and Technical Communication. (eds. Yu and Savage).
1118832523 A Scientific Approach to Writing for Scientists and Engineers. (Berger).
9781118230138_cover.indd Information Overload: A Challenge to Professional Engineers and Technical Communicators. (eds: Strother, Ulijn, Fazal).
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