Keynote Speaker


Doug Reeve

The Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering (ILead),
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering,
University of Toronto

Professor Reeve is the founding Director of the Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering (ILead) at the University of Toronto. Providing opportunities for leadership learning has been central to his work with engineering students for over twenty-five years. In 2002 he established Leaders of Tomorrow, a student leadership development program that led to the establishment of ILead.

Dr. Reeve is a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry and served as Chair from 2001-2011. He has worked with industry for many years as a consultant and president of a small consulting firm, frequently in international assignments. He has created and led professional development short courses for industry on over 50 occasions reaching over 5000 attendees. His contributions to the profession and to research have been recognized by numerous awards.


Opening Plenary


Marsha Lovett

Director of the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence,
Teaching Professor, Department of Psychology,
Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. Marsha Lovett is Director of the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and a Teaching Professor in the Department of Psychology, both at Carnegie Mellon. At the Eberly Center, she applies theoretical and empirical principles from cognitive psychology to help instructors improve their teaching. In her research, Dr. Lovett studies learning, memory, and problem solving. She has developed computational models of strategy selection, skill acquisition, and working memory, and she has published more than fifty research articles on learning and instruction. Throughout her career, Dr. Lovett has been deeply involved in both local and national efforts to understand and improve student learning. For example, in 2004, she brought together experts from diverse disciplines to discuss the latest research on how people work with complex data and how to best teach 21st century “data literacies,” resulting in the book Thinking with Data. Her book How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching distills and translates the research on how students learn into a set of fundamental principles that instructors can use to guide their teaching. Dr. Lovett has also developed several innovative, educational technologies to promote student learning and metacognition, including StatTutor and the Learning Dashboard.


Plenary Speakers


Bernadette Longo

Director of the MS in Professional and Technical Communication ,
New Jersey Institute of Technology

Bernadette Longo is an Associate Professor and Director of the MS in Professional and Technical Communication at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Her research explores intersections of technology, communication, and culture. At NJIT, Dr. Longo participates in a project, including faculty from physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and architecture, to develop a graduate training program for design and applications of distributed and remote sensors. She is also on a team developing an interdisciplinary, online MS program in Digital Media, Communication, and Marketing, comprised of courses from three existing programs in three different colleges. An article on her work in the DR Congo, “R U There? Cell Phones, Participatory Design, and Intercultural Dialogue,” is forthcoming in the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication.

Günther Schreder

The Center for Cognition, Information and Management,
Danube University Krems, Austria

The Center for Cognition, Information and Management at Danube University Krems (Austria) is an interdisciplinary team that addresses the challenges of modern information society. Our professional backgrounds are in cognitive science, psychology, landscape engineering, and neuroscience. In our research we aim to develop tools and methods that support cognition and communication. To reach this aim we apply and combine methods from user-centered design, information design, information visualization, and storytelling. The presented case study builds on the results of two applied research projects INNOMAT 1 and 2.

Michael Alley

Penn State University

Holding a master of science in electrical engineering and a master of fine arts in fiction writing, Michael Alley is an associate professor of engineering communication at Penn State. He is the author of The Craft of Scientific Writing and The Craft of Scientific Presentations, both of which Springer-Verlag has translated to Japanese. In addition to his university teaching, Alley has taught writing and speaking to professional scientists and engineers around the world. Sites include the European Space Organization (Chile), Google, Harvard Medical School, Institute for Energy Technology (Norway), MIT, Qatar Gas, Sandia National Laboratories, Seoul National University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Texas Instruments, and United Technologies. Each year, visitors view more than 1,000,000 pages from Alley’s website on communicating engineering and science (

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