IEEE PCS AdCom Members-at-Large Election: Candidate Bios and Procedure
Published on August 3, 2016
The IEEE Professional Communication Society election of Members-at-Large to the Administrative Committee for the Term 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2019 will open August 10th, 2016. We hope you will take the time to exercise your vote and help choose the future direction of the society. Let’s increase last year’s voting percentage of 17.2% by voting today! Your vote counts!
VOTE starting August 10th, 2016 at
You will need your IEEE Account username/password to access the ballot. For quick reference, your username is <your email address>. If you do not remember your password, you may retrieve it on the voter login page. Please vote for TWO candidates. Voting must be completed no later than 21 September 2016. Any returns received after this date will not be counted. The online voting site will close at 4:00 pm Eastern Time.
Candidate Information:
RICHARD HOUSE (M’04) I am Professor of English at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
What contributions have you made previously to IEEE and particularly to PCS through your volunteer activities?
I’ve served two three-year terms on the Society AdCom; prior to that, I was involved with several of the Society’s annual conferences as chair of either Proceedings or Program, and was a long-term member of the Board of Regular Reviewers of the Transactions on Professional Communication. I served as PCS Vice-President in 2014 and am presently Society President, completing a term that will end in December 2016.
What other professional organizations do you belong to, and what are your past and present volunteer activities with them?
I belong to the American Society for Engineering Education, and to both its Educational Research and Methods (ERM) and Liberal Education/Engineering and Society (LEES) divisions. I have been more active in the LEES division, frequently reviewing papers for the division and participating in the annual business meetings.
What specific contributions do you think that you could make if elected to the PCS AdCom?
I have a lot of experience as a volunteer leader in PCS. As Past President, I’ll be responsible for Nominations and Elections; for that role, it’s helpful that I’ve served as the Society’s delegate to the IEEE Technical Activities Board, as I’d like to recruit some volunteers who belong both to PCS and to other societies. I also believe that I can help PCS continue to update its governing documents and operating procedures, an ongoing effort that’s taken place during my presidency.
How many meetings will you attend each year?
I anticipate attending all meetings, both face-to-face and virtual. I attend the ProComm conference every year.
BOB LYONS, JR. (M’03-SM’06) I’m an independent technical and management consultant, primarily serving aerospace industry and US government clients. Much of my work is helping senior officials think through, prepare, and present strategic opportunities and decisions to their corporate hierarchies and customers. Another significant part of my work is leading, writing, and editing major proposals for companies responding to request for proposals from prime contractors or the US Government.
What contributions have you made previously to IEEE and particularly to PCS through your volunteer activities?
During undergraduate and graduate school, I was an IEEE Student Branch member and officer. In my early electrical engineering career, I was a Dayton, Ohio Section officer and Chapter chair of two IEEE Societies. Late in my career, I’ve held several officer positions in the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Board of Governors, including Executive Vice President and President. Among other officer positions on the IEEE Systems Council AdCom, I’ve also served as its President. I’ve been appointed by the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) VP to serve as a mentor to the IEEE Transportation Electrification Community, an advisor to the RFID Council, the TAB representative to two IEEE Member and Geographic Activities standing committees, and a member of the TAB Society Review Committee.
I’ve served on several IEEE conferences’ technical committees reviewing papers, organizing tracks and sessions, and chairing sessions. I’ve also been a conference keynote speaker and plenary session panel member. I’ve peer-reviewed IEEE Systems Magazine articles. So far, I have taken no part in PCS volunteer activities.
What other professional organizations do you belong to, and what are your past and present volunteer activities with them?
In a never-ending battle to stay current, besides IEEE, I also belong to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Project Management Institute, the American Society for Quality, and the Association of Proposal Management Professionals.
Although I’ve taken no part in volunteer activities for any of these professional organizations, several years ago I served a six-year stint on the National Defense Industrial Association’s Defensive Systems Division Board of Directors.
What specific contributions do you think that you could make if elected to the PCS AdCom?
I think I can bring a useful electrical engineering and industry perspective and balance to the largely non-technical and academic structure of the PCS AdCom. I can provide insights into the minds and needs of practicing engineers in industrial and government settings, based on several decades as a practicing engineer, a former DoD major weapons system Program Director, a former functional lead for over 2,400 engineers, and a current consultant to industrial corporations and US Government agencies.
I also think my wide-ranging experiences in IEEE leadership positions might be helpful to the PCS AdCom. Our very small non-technical Society specializes in communication skills crucial to the success of practicing engineers in the technical Societies, yet most of the IEEE membership has no idea what PCS can do for them. I believe I can help PCS better integrate its product and service offerings into the mainstream of the technical business of the IEEE.
How many meetings will you attend each year?
I expect to attend all PCS AdCom meetings.
BRIAN TRAYNOR (M’07) is an Associate Professor in the Information Design program in the Faculty of Communication Studies at Mount Royal University. Courses taught include: Information Architecture, Usability, and Project & Content Management. I have almost 20 years of industry experience in a variety of individual and management positions.
What contributions have you made previously to IEEE and particularly to PCS through your volunteer activities?
I joined the IEEE PCS in 2006. I have been an active AdCom member since 2013. I currently serve as the Society Treasurer (2015) and ProComm 2016/2017 conference treasurer. I am responsible for establishing the society annual budgets and monitoring revenues and expenses during the year. I provide regular communication to AdCom on our financial status, identify opportunities for cost savings, establish Independent Contractor agreements and review/approve expense submissions. I participated in the IEEE Society Review and continue to learn about the financial processes in place that both support our society and fulfill our obligation to the parent organization. I work with our conference chairs to establish conference budgets, setup appropriate accounts and agreements, and coordinate financial transactions through to close. I have been a peer reviewer for both PCS Transactions and our ProComm conference proceedings.
What other professional organizations do you belong to, and what are your past and present volunteer activities with them?
I am a member of the User Experience Professionals Association since 2008. I have attended a number of annual conferences and most recently co-presented a collaboration workshop on Ethnography & Diary Studies. I have been a peer reviewer for conference submissions. I have been a participant/contributor in the CUE-8 & 9 studies designed by Rolf Mollich.
I am a board member of the Miistakis Institute – an organization focused on conservation research and community engagement.
What specific contributions do you think that you could make if elected to the PCS AdCom?
I would like to develop a PCS Finance Operations Manual that would be specific to our organization. This has been identified as something needed during our Society Review. I would like to encourage other PCS members to consider taking on the role of Conference Treasurer. I would like to build stronger ties to other IEEE organizations so as to increase awareness of our PCS content and expertise.
How many meetings will you attend each year?
I expect to attend all AdCom meetings unless I have a teaching or travel conflict.
If you have any questions about the IEEE Professional Communication Society voting process, please contact or +1 732 562 3904.