
Entrepreneurship Communication (4Q16 Special Issue)

The December 2016 special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication on entrepreneurship communication has recently been published online. If you are a paper subscriber, you will receive the issue, printed together with the September issue, during the next month.
Volume 59, Number 4, December …

Technical Communication and Usability: Intertwined strands and mutual influences—Commentary, by J. Redish

Check out this article from the archives of the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication.
J. Redish. “Technical Communication and Usability: Intertwined strands and mutual influences—Commentary.” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 53: 191-201, 2010.
Recommended by former Transactions editor Jo Mackiewicz and former IEEE Professional Communication Society President, …

Improving the effectiveness of virtual teams:  A comparison of video-conferencing and face-to-face communication in China, Z. Guo, J. D’Ambra, T. Turner, and H. Zhang

Check out this article from the archives of the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication.
Z. Guo, J. D’Ambra, T. Turner, and H. Zhang. “Improving the effectiveness of virtual teams:  A comparison of video-conferencing and face-to-face communication in China,” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, vol. 52, no. 1, …

Targeting an audience of robots: Search engines and the marketing of technical communication business websites&quot, by J. B. Killoran

Recommended by former Transactions editor Jo Mackiewicz —
Killoran’s surveyed 240 principals in technical communication businesses, interviewed half of them, and analyzed their websites to determine the extent to which they tried to reach prospective clients via the intermediary of search engines. He found that search …